Anchor Payroll Blog

How Not to Misclassify Employees

Should You Give Your Employees Unlimited PTO?

Unveiling the 1099 Tax Form: What You Need to Know

Is Remote I-9 Verification Right for You?

An Offer Letter They Can't Refuse...

Seven Things to Consider When Providing Paid Time Off

The Ultimate Employee Onboarding

Question: What are the basic steps of a harassment investigation?

Laying Out the Basics of the Layoff

New York Requires Pay Transparency in Job Postings

Seven Tips for Effective Meetings

QUESTION: What do I need to know about religious accommodations?

New Form I-9 and Remote Verification Procedure Rolled Out

What Employers Should Know About Pregnancy Discrimination

QUESTION: We know we need to plan for our leaders to leave the organization. How do we start succession planning?

Question: Can we use comp time with our employees?

What Employers Should Know About Generative AI

When Not to Worry About Turnover

Three Pillars for Successful Employee Relationships

Five Steps for Effective Employee Coaching

Six Ways to Encourage Employees to Set Work-Personal Life Boundaries

Q: How do we handle pay for an employee out on military leave?

What You Need to Know About Lactation Accommodations

FMLA Turns 30: Let’s Get Back to Basics

What a Good Enough Hiring Process Looks Like

Federal Pregnancy and Lactation Accommodations Expanded

Reminder: Annual OSHA Form 300A Posting Begins February

7 Cost-saving Secrets That Save Your Company Money

The Impact of Hiring Temporary Workers

Q: We’ve discovered an employee is using a title on LinkedIn that is not the title we use at our organization. Should we say something?

What Employers Should Know About Trauma in the Workplace

Voting Leave Compliance

Having Trouble Hiring? Consider Recruiting High School Students

Can we ask employees not to sleep in the office on their lunch break?

Motivating Employees with the Performance Review

7 Steps to Improve Employee Performance through Performance Reviews

The Performance Evaluation Cycle

HR’s Role in a Recession

What Is Discrimination?

Question: Can we cut a performance improvement plan short if the employee's performance issues have gotten substantially worse?

Making the Most of Job Interviews

Best Practices in Handling Leave Deductions

Question: Are we required to pay summer interns?

How Paid Family Leave and Related Programs Can Help Your Business

Is it Vacation or Paid Time Off?

5 Ways to Save Your Labor Budget

How do we handle leave paperwork when the employee needing leave is incapacitated or unable to be reached directly?

Four Ways to Make Terminations Less Stressful

Managing Mobile Employees On The Go

Can we tell employees not to talk about their pay with each other?

The Qualities of Great Managers and How to Develop Them

New York Requires Electronic Monitoring Notice

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Nine Ways to Keep Your Office Green

7 Ways to Reengage Your Workforce and Inspire Loyalty

How Employers Can Address Mental Health in the Workplace

The Rewards of Trust and How to Get Them

How to Increase Diversity in Your Recruiting and Hiring Process

Six Compliance Challenges & How to Conquer Them

Flexible work environments? Our top tips for managing hybrid employees...

What is an exit interview?

Your 2021 Year-end Payroll Checklist

2021 Year-end HR Checklist

How to Design a Powerhouse Team

Questions to avoid during the interview process...

How to encourage employees to vaccinate

Client Highlight: Master It Media

Advice for Conducting Interviews Virtually

Does enrolling in Medicare trigger an offer of COBRA?

What Is HR Compliance?

Three Questions About COVID Vaccinations

Employees Want More – Can You Offer It?

Ten Steps to Effectively Review Resumes

First Impressions: How to Welcome a New Employee

Employing Minors in Your Organization

Question: How should employee files be organized?

Three Tips to Make Online Training Successful Long Term

Pride Month Reminds Us That There’s a Lot More Work to Do

Vaccination, Return to Work, and Masking FAQs

EEO-1 Reporting Open Now Through July 19, 2021

American Rescue Plan Act COBRA Notices

Businesses Are Struggling to Hire—Here's What They Can Do About It

What are the costs and penalties for misclassifying employees?

Three Key Ways HR Makes Business More Profitable

Prepare for Volatility: Protection First

The Real Costs of Employee Turnover—And How to Measure Them

New York Legalizes Recreational Cannabis

Why States and Municipalities Are Protecting Natural Hair

News Brief: The American Rescue Plan Act

Key Practices to Keep the Workplace Safe

How to Make Good Use of Your Employee Handbook

Good Worker, Poor Attitude: Boosting Employee Morale

What happens if someone is misclassified as an independent contractor?

How to Help Employees Communicate More Effectively

Winter Safety Tips for Your Business

Question: What are some typical examples of employee discipline? Are there any you recommend?

The Importance of Immediately Documenting Performance Problems

Be Alert: Employers Are Seeing a Spike in Phishing Scams

Conflict Resolution Strategies

The Top HR New Year Resolutions

EEOC Guidance for Employers During a Pandemic (UPDATE)

Minimum Wage, Tip Credit, and Exempt Salary Changes

COVID Relief Bill: Tax Credits for Paid Leave Extended to March 31

Question: What is the FICA Tip Credit and how can Anchor help my business take advantage?

Your 2020 Year-end Payroll Checklist

Question: Given the COVID-19 pandemic, should we cancel our annual holiday party?

Question: What is the minimum amount of time that a salaried exempt employee must work to be paid for the entire day?

Do You Rate Employees Higher Who Advocate for Your Team?

Four Ways to Show Employees That You Appreciate Them

Your Year-end Checklist

Tis the Season for Seasonal Employees

New Jersey Requires Workplace COVID Protections

Terminating a Well-liked Employee

How to Improve Your Job Postings

How to support a grieving employee

Q&A: If an employee of yours works in a state with a voting leave law...

What to know as employees return from Thanksgiving gatherings...

Q: We’ve seen an uptick in complaints from employees. Is this cause for concern?

Voting Leave Compliance

HR in Under 3 Minutes: Mission, Vision & Values

Question: Our busy season starts next month. Is there anything we can do to help our employees reduce their stress?

5 Steps to Creating an Effective Staffing Plan

Infographic: Budgeting for Turnover

Q: How do we handle taking employees' temperatures?

DHS Relaxes In-Person I-9 Inspection Requirement

What You Need to Know Before Disciplining or Terminating an Employee

DOL Revises FFCRA Leave Rules

Employee Payroll Tax Deferral IRS Clarification

Leading During a Pandemic

Q&A: Leaves of Absence

Celebrating Responsibly at Holiday Parties

Back-to-School: Frequently Asked Questions about Leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)

FFCRA Leave – Significant Rule Changes

Six Tips for Managing Stress in the Workplace

Responding to Anonymous Complaints: Dos and Don'ts

HR In Under Three Minutes: Documentation – The Magic Formula

Question: What do we do if an employee is diagnosed with COVID-19?

Revive+Thrive: Spring Through the Storm

What Employers Should Do If an Employee Makes a Racist Statement Online

Making the Workplace a Safe Place to Speak Up

Revive+Thrive: 3 Steps to Building Your Online Reputation

DHS Relaxes In-Person I-9 Inspection Requirements

Paid Voting Leave Reduced from Three Hours to Two

EEOC Guidance for Employers During a Pandemic

Revive+Thrive: Master the #1 Success Principle

Harassment Prevention Considerations with a Remote Workforce

Don’t Forget to Document, Document, Document

How to Help Underperforming Employees

When Employees are Afraid to Return to Work

Return to Work Considerations: Postings & Policies

Why You Should Care About Your Employer Brand

HR In Under 3 Minutes: How to Bring Employees Back to Work

Revive+Thrive: Genuine Brand Messages that Work

Revive+Thrive: Building a Personality Brand

Infographic: Effective Meetings in 5 Simple Steps

6-Step Reopening Checklist for the Office

Returning to Work FAQs

How Employers Can Support the Mental Health of Their Employees During COVID-19