Anchor Payroll Blog

How to Design a Powerhouse Team

Posted by Anchor Staff on Nov 22, 2021 8:29:56 PM

Many Americans get their first job working at a fast-food chain. You may have been one of them. If so, you probably remember your first day. Maybe you started at a register. Or perhaps you began in the kitchen. Either way, you had a lot to learn in a short amount of time. Everyone was counting on you to help keep the lines moving. Patience isn’t a virtue in this business, after all.

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Topics: leadership, teams, collaboration, hr, humancapitalmanagement, tips

Employees Want More – Can You Offer It?

Posted by Anchor Staff on Aug 17, 2021 5:53:37 PM
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Topics: employers, employees, hr, humancapitalmanagement, tips

Question: How should employee files be organized?

Posted by Anchor Staff on Jun 7, 2021 10:58:41 PM

We recommend having five separate files for each employee, as outlined below:

  • I-9 file: Keep all Form I-9s in a separate master file or three-ring binder.
  • Medical file: This file should contain everything related to an employee’s medical history, including health insurance enrollment forms. It’s important to separate this file because you cannot legally base personnel decisions, such as who gets promoted and who doesn’t, on an individual’s medical history. In addition, various privacy laws and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) require that you keep confidential employee medical records separate from basic personnel files. The retention period will depend on the type of record.
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Topics: tips

Vaccination, Return to Work, and Masking FAQs

Posted by Anchor Staff on Jun 7, 2021 9:02:27 AM


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Topics: covid_19, covid, hr, tips

Good Worker, Poor Attitude: Boosting Employee Morale

Posted by Anchor Staff on Feb 17, 2021 10:27:13 AM

If we held the key for resolving the seemingly endless workplace morale problems, we would never have to work another day. While boosting employee mindset and motivation is a fairly complex topic involving many factors and moving pieces, generally the best approach to the issue is to look at the factors that substantive data has shown most closely align with employee satisfaction. Multiple research ranks these criteria in a number of varying sequences; however, there is no question that the factors listed below greatly impact an employee’s overall satisfaction in the workplace:

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Topics: leadership, teams, hr, motivation, tips

Winter Safety Tips for Your Business

Posted by Stephanie Bellofatto on Jan 18, 2021 10:12:47 AM

With the first snows hitting our area, it’s time to get ready for the cold weather and the resulting freezes that cause ice issues. Preparing your home or business is more than just stocking up on firewood and salt for the driveway or parking lot, it’s also about making sure your home or business is both protected from the cold and that you have the tools to remove any hazards before they further damage your home.  

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Topics: tips

The Top HR New Year Resolutions

Posted by Anchor Staff on Jan 4, 2021 12:21:26 PM

For many organizations, the beginning of a New Year is the perfect time to address the to-do list from the previous year or set goals for the new one. It’s a great way to focus the organization on the key priorities for the year ahead. As you make your list of resolutions, consider these three small changes you can make to your workplace to increase productivity and reduce turnover.    

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Topics: hr, tips, New Year

Minimum Wage, Tip Credit, and Exempt Salary Changes

Posted by Anchor Staff on Dec 28, 2020 10:35:26 AM

Employers in New York are subject to different minimum wages, allowable tip credits, and minimum exempt employee salaries based on where employees work and what kind of work they do. The wage increases listed below take effect on December 31, 2020.

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Topics: tips, Tax Credits, Minimum Wage, Exemptions

Question: What is the FICA Tip Credit and how can Anchor help my business take advantage?

Posted by Anchor Staff on Dec 21, 2020 9:09:16 AM

When it comes to any business with tipped employees, the FICA tip credit is very important when completing your year-end taxes with your tax preparer or CPA. The FICA tip credit can be applied to all taxes paid on tips your employees make throughout the year. 

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Topics: covid_19, covid, tips