HR Advisor Newsletter – March 2021
How to Make Good Use of Your Employee Handbook
Employee handbooks are a nifty communication and reference tool for the workplace, but only if they’re used and not collecting dust on some physical (or digital) shelf. A handbook is only as good as what it does. At the minimum, it should do the following:

HR Advisor Newsletter – February 2021
How to Help Employees Communicate More Effectively
In an ideal world, communication would be easy. We’d immediately know exactly what to say or write. Emails, Slack messages, and reply threads would practically write themselves. And there’d be no confusion about what anyone meant, ever.
Of course, communication never works that way. We stare at the computer screen trying to decide how to begin an email. We misspeak or garble our words. We don’t always convey exactly what we intend. We misunderstand, overlook, or forget information we’ve been given. We also sometimes read emotions into words that weren’t what the writer was feeling. Or we pack our speech with such an emotional punch that it distracts from the point we’re trying to make.

HR Advisor Newsletter – November 2020
How to Support a Grieving Employee
Everyone experiences grief at some point in their life, and yet for being such a common experience, it’s also one that few of us are fully equipped to navigate when it comes. In part, this is because grief is such an overwhelming and horrible experience. Nothing can prepare you for it. You just have to go through it and get through it. Grief is also a unique experience for each person. Everyone has their own path through its stages, and what helped one person work through their grief may not help another.

HR Advisor Newsletter – October 2020
Key Definitions to Help You Understand the ADA
If you hadn’t engaged with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) before the pandemic, you probably have by now. The ADA comes up a lot these days, both with respect to confidentiality of medical information (like employee temperatures) as well as with reasonable accommodation for those who are at high risk for a serious case of COVID-19. In this article we’ll tackle some of the key terms in the ADA that every employer should be comfortable with.

HR Advisor Newsletter – September 2020
Leading During a PandemicNo one knows what the workplace is going to look like in three months. COVID-19 continues to spread. School reopening and attendance plans remain tenuous. Further action from Congress is uncertain. Official rules from the Department of Labor might even be struck down in court, further adding to the confusion about what employers are supposed to be doing. |

HR Advisor Newsletter – June 2020
Don’t Forget to Document, Document, Document

HR Advisor Newsletter - May 2020
How Employers Can Support the Mental Health of Their Employees During COVID-19

HR Advisor Newsletter - April 2020
How to Pay for Leave Required by Families First Coronavirus Response Act

HR Advisor Newsletter - March 2020
How Employers Can Rethink Training and Team Building

HR Advisor Newsletter - February 2020
How to Help Underperforming Employees